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"Sisi (Empress Elisabeth of Austria), her world and her legend"

Duchess in Bavaria Empress of Austria, Apostolic Queen of Hungary and Queen of Bohemia and Daughter of Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria and Louis of Bavaria, married in 1854 the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria, his first cousin Entry into conflict with the rigid environment of the Viennese court and the mother-in-law, the Archduchess Sophia, Elizabeth ended to alienate the aristocracy and high, allontanatasi by his wife, he retired to private life for the most part, abdicated its sovereign obligations. Elizabeth repositioning her husband after the defeat of Sadowa and contributed to the reconciliation with the Hungarians in 1867. After the death of his son Rodolfo, he withdrew more and more in the shadows, and spent his last years in a perpetual journey on the Mediterranean. In 1898, in Geneva, was fatally stabbed as he was about to embark on a boat, by the anarchist Italian Luigi Lucheni.

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