I present you the our new group that call 

" Associazione di ricerca e cultura Casato Asburgo e Wittelsbach "

This Association aims of cultural research on these two families that both influenced the history of the land where I was born, but also the history at the European level. Who gave the history of the world famous personalities and unforgettable

The official language is Italian; but whether it will or will riciesto deemed appropriate will be used English

If you click on this link you can connect with this group :

With much joy to our Facebook page dedicated to the
Princess Adelgonda Wittelsbach of Bavaria Duchess Habsburg / Este of Modena
First cousin is the Empress Elisabeth (Sisi) and Emperor Franz Josef
we have achieved
                                                    450 MEMBERS
I hope that soon we can even reach 500 members
Thanks again for your support and in particular to a Facebook friend:
Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie Wittelsbach

In this occasion I leave both the link of the Facebook page:

that the link of the blog devoted to the duchess Adelgonda:

visit them we expect many
Angela the founder of the site

Link to the page of Google + "News dal sito su Sisi e gli asburgo e dal blog sulla Duchessa Adelgonda e il Ducato di Modena " Google+

It created a new page on Facebook called "Casato Asburgo / Este";
if you click on the image above can be immediately redirected to the page.
I hope you will visit paiccia and that in many

Other groups on Facebook are :

-  Herzogin Helene in Bayern Erbprinzessin von Thurn und Taxis 

    about the Nenè the sister of Sisi and her life, her descendant and other thing.

    Visit this group on FB



click on the image under for go to the group on Facebook

other group is :

-  Kronprinzessin Stephanie von Österreich-Ungarn Prinzessin von Belgium

    this group is about the wife of the Rudolph ; the son of Sisi

   Visit this group on FB

 the mail for a send a message is:

[email protected]

click on the image under for go to the group on Facebook

There is also a page on Facebbok about : Elisabeth das Musical

about this musical, other musical , their artist, translation of this and other musical, photo , video , news  and other more

 Visit this page

click on the imagine under for go to the age on the Facebook

The nineteenth century Sissi and Ludwig Forum

This forum is dedicated exclusively to ELIZABETH EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA (SISSI), to LUDWIG II KING OF BAVARIA: a space to discuss their history, their myths, their time, art, literature, poetry and music who accompanied them during their very particular historical and human.

Click on the under imagine for go to the forum

Other site very very intresting and you visit also this is founder from to our friend Enrico Ercole

the site is " Elisabeth- Sissi "